Raw Poetic’s Laminated Skies is a future-tilting conscious rap record where the rhymes flow fast and the beats don’t stand still

It might not be summer yet, but this March things are starting to heat up musically and Raw Poetic’s Laminated Skies is as hot to the touch as it gets. The project of rapper Jason Moore (Raw Poetic) in collaboration with production partner Earl Davis (Damu the Fudgemunk), this is a forward-thinking, heady cocktail of conscious rap, live jams, digital funk, literary references and DIY spirit. Think Outkast with backpacks or even Native Tongues meets Roni Size & Reprazent – Laminated Skies is hip-hop to the core, but jumped-up beats and Raw Poetic’s atmospheric fast flow MCing at times push the material into other intriguing spaces.

A textbook example of how to keep things dope while playfully experimenting, Raw Poetic’s world is vividly crafted and ready for adventurous hip-hop heads to journey through.

Raw Poetic Bandcamp

Stewart Gardiner
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